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Using RI or AI in Marketing?

Marketing to people is essential to get sales and grow your business.
For analytical minds; it’s also a result of a variety of functions…

For intuitional people it’s more of an art to attract…

Either way it’s a bunch of ways to grab some attention. Then if it’s a right match of demand and supply, great! If not, you’d try to arouse some desire…

This whole marketing process will be conducted 95% by artificial general intelligence as Sam Altman predicted.

I’m not predicting here, I’m just curious if real human interaction could be less interesting than AI.

Will we get bored talking to a robot? Will AI be our friend in need? Well I’ve been using AI for some time (14 months) and here’s what I think:


Used it in research and strategy assistant for a couple of months. Thankfully I came across Zoe’s (link) deck. That was great! You should check it out if you want to learn more about AI in marketing strategy.It sure helps, but still you have to make your real intelligence work. 

It’s not and will not replace the brand strategist’s role!

UX - CX - Analysis

Would you prefer to chat to a real person for some question concerning the product you want to buy?

Or would you just browse?

When you have a problem with your order would you prefer to talk to a real human or not?

I havent’t used it for the brands I work with however I’ve interacted with mainly all  AI based customer interactions that I’ve came across with. It wasn’t really that much groundbreaking… It’s still developing.

However I’ve used AI to analyze customer reviews and that’s where I’ve felt great. Saved time and energy!


When you see a creative ad do you understand if it’s crafted by an art director or not?

Or when you read the headline or caption of some social post, do you feel it’s real? 

We do use gen AI for image generation but not always and completely. It’s a part of our visual work flow. 

When it comes to copy, we don’t like to use it so much, because it’s really… You know, artificial!

Get Real, Be Real But Use AI

In marketing I prefer to use AI for efficiency; to be more productive… 

But using it wisely to get better results in marketing depends on your real intelligence!